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Monday 28 October 2024

Bright passes by the ISS in November

Plenty of opportunities to see the International Space Station this month: no need to stay up late or get up particularly early, either!

Sunday 27 October 2024

Even spottier!

At the moment early mornings almost always bring the sight - and sound - of Pink-footed Geese flying north west over the house: the garden is full of Goldfinches, Blue Tits and Starlings.
Without yesterday's clouds the Sun can be seen to have literally dozens of sunspots....

Saturday 26 October 2024

More amazing sunspots

Taken through a very small clear patch in an otherwise unbroken cloud base, some impressive sunspot groups this afternoon: let's hope we get some CMEs followed by more lovely auroral displays!

The little things that give us pleasure!

In my case, one of these 'little things' is being able to mow the lawn in mid-October! The hope is, of course, that I won't have to do it too often before the end of the year - but, as they say, 'It is better to travel in hope than to arrive'

Friday 25 October 2024

The Dowitcher plays peekaboo!

Linda and I had to visit Bayfield Hall to pick up a piece of sculpture we'd ordered on our recent visit with Peter and Sue. While we were there we enjoyed a cup of tea and a somewhat strange vegetarian sausage roll: a few feet from the window a terrific variety of woodland birds visited the feeding station.

A short drive to Cley and a walk out to Bishop's revealed that the Dowitcher was still present, but was inconveniently asleep behind a Teal! A brief seawatch  from the Coastguards added Red-necked Grebe and Velvet Scoter to our short daylist...


Despite the carnage they inflict on the local dove and pigeon population, Sparrowhawks are always wonderful to see as they stoop across the garden at high speed: they often charge right through the middle of our Sycamore tree!

Thursday 24 October 2024

October Survey at All Saints Church, Hemblington

Since Sue was unavailable and Peter is slightly disinclined to early early starts, just Linda and I carried out this months survey. To be honest there was little to report apart from the 'star' bird: a distant Raven that betrayed itself by its 'Gronk' call (and size!)

On the way home (via Potter Heigham!) I noticed a trio of Great White Egrets near the corrugated barn just before Acle Bridge: no longer rare, but still special to see.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Never say never again!

Despite fading to 4th magnitude as it rushes back to the Oort Cloud, the sky was so clear and dark before the Moon rose last night that Comet Tsuchinshan was quite easy to see above the western horizon...

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Great morning out in North Norfolk

Still feeling a lot less than 100%, but I thought a little bit of exercise on a sunny day might reduce the old blood sugar and generally improve things. In the event I'm not sure whether it helped or not, but I did enjoy renewing acquaintances with the recently-returned Long-billed Dowitcher at Cley (As well as the charming Jacqui Bridges!) A Water Pipit gave good, close views, as did a fly-through Kingfisher, but a group of Cattle Egrets and a Red-necked Grebe and pair of Velvet Scoter on the sea were a 'little' more distant!

After coffee we decided to return home via Hickling, where yesterday's Glossy Ibis was available on Brendan's Marsh: Little and Great Egrets finished the set! 

Monday 21 October 2024

Waning Moon

The terminator (demarcation between lit / unlit portions of the Moon) passed through some excellent crater fields early this morning...

Sunday 20 October 2024

A couple more Sussex videos!

Oh go on then! A last look at Tsuchinshan

Despite feeling really grim, before having an early night at 7.45, I took a look from the garage door to discover that the comet was still visible - albeit somewhat dimly! Here are a couple of images (with overhead phone lines edited out!) as the comet slides off to the Oort Cloud...