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Thursday 25 October 2012

North Coast with Martin!

What a fabulous day out! No Bluetail or Arctic Warbler, but just terrific birding in great company....
Thrushes were moving through Stiffkey all morning: thousands of Redwings, Fieldfares, Song Thrushes and continental Blackbirds, as well as 30+ Ring Ouzels and a stunning richly-coloured Black Redstart. Also encountered was this 'interesting Bunting': helpful comments welcome!

Moving on to Cley produced Gannets and Kittiwakes close inshore, as well as a somewhat-distant Red-necked Grebe. Lots more thrushes and a group of Brents including a pale-belied example.

Last stop was Walsey Hills: frustrating glimpses of a Firecrest and lots of crests & Willow-Chiffs.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Robin Day!

No, not the old gentleman with the bow tie: just a perfect description of a few hours at Horsey Gap. There were literally hundreds of Robins sitting on every bush & bit of wire! Redwings, Blackbirds & Song Thrushes (and a few Ring Ouzels) were drifting in off all morning, as were parties of Jays. Best finds were a Slavonian Grebe on the sea and a Black Redstart on the fence of the digger enclosure (Thanks to Mick Saunt!)

Monday 22 October 2012

One misty, moisty morning....

No 'old man cloth-ed all in leather', but great views of Bittern, Water Rail and Kingfisher, as well as a distant raptor at Buckenham (young Peregrine?)
The newly-harvested maize field was full of Greylags and Egyptians!

Saturday 20 October 2012

Local patch

Just for a change of scenery, I took a five mile stroll through Pedham and Panxworth and back via Little Plumstead: first surprise was a delightful Nuthatch calling and seen in flight near 'The Lake House' at Pedham. Soon after a Buzzard flew overhead, followed by a Marsh Harrier and a Kestrel....
Lots of funky fungi, too, that I'll post tomorrow.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Just a good walk!

Despite a ten mile walk around Strump, Buckenham & Cantley with Sue S, the only birds of note were flocks of Golden Plovers and newly-arrived Pinkfeet. Amazingly, there were still lots of Migrant Hawkers hunting over the meadows at Cantley....

Keeping the skies safe for democracy: two F15-e Eagles

Monday 15 October 2012

Just for Brian & Mark!

Oh ye of little faith! Me and my 'single scraper': December 1969

Short walk!

With much to do at home and the threat of rain, I had an hour's trot around the Fen: still lots to see and hear!

Busy weekend!

Linda & I were working - and playing - hard at Autographica in Birmingham. We met lots of old friends and made some new ones: well-worth the gruelling three hour drive each way!

Linda & Robert Powell

Dr Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14)

Dick Gordon (Apollo 12)

Thursday 11 October 2012

What a place!

I grabbed half an hour in between making new displays for Autographica and loading the van: despite the limitations of my camera (and ability!) I managed some really satisfying record shots from the reception hide: what an amazing reserve Strumpshaw can be!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


A lovely snatched couple of hours at the Fen: Nuthatches, Kingfishers & large groups of Bearded Tits were the highlights. Naturally Norman & Brian got much better images than I managed with my flintlock outfit, but gratifying anyway!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

At last!!!!

It's a cool 35 years since I last saw a Nuthatch at Strumpshaw! Today there were two coming to the feeders: just marvellous!
Other good birds included the Osprey (distantly) at least three Kingfishers and lots of the usual Marsh Harriers, Bearded Tits and squeaking Water Rails. A lovely (if chilly!) session