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Friday 22 November 2013


Well, being such a sunny morning, I couldn't resist: I tazzed up to Holt Country Park for another look for the Parrot Crossbills. Since the carpark was somewhat crowded, I thought I'd strike off on my own to check out the belt of trees to the south west. After a few minutes Richard Millington kindly whistled me over to say the flock was in the car park - what a nice person he is....

The views were less than wonderful, but I managed a few dodgy snaps and enjoyed chatting with extremely knowledgeable Suffolk birder Steve, who apparently used to be a frequenter of Strump / Buck. He mentioned that he'd seen three Red Kites at the Edgefield tip, so I stopped for a look on the way home. No Kites, but I'm pretty sure I found a Glaucous Gull!

Tiny 'grumble': I notice several popular sites copy my records at the end of the day (eg: the 30 Beans yesterday) Only Steve at 'Yare Valley Wildlife' has the courtesy to acknowledge his sources...

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