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Tuesday 2 April 2024

Amazing day at Cley - with a bonus Night Heron!

Norman, Brian and I met on the Heath at 7.15 and headed north through the gloom. First stop was the unproductive beach at Cley, followed by a move to Bishop's. Lots of Godwits and Avocets, with a smattering of Ruff, but no sign of the reported Dowitcher, so we decided on a walk along the East Bank. We were quickly rewarded with good views of Bearded Tit - around a dozen - less impressive glimpses of a couple of Sedge Warblers and a pair of Spoonbills heading west.

Walking back to the Centre, I stopped to photograph the Heronry on North Foreland woods: it was only when I processed these at home that I discovered I'd photographed a Night Heron! This was seen by others later in the day...

Coffee and scones were followed by a visit to the centre hides, where a ring-tailed Hen Harrier was most welcome, as was a fairly active Spoonbill and a pair of Little Ringed Plovers.

On the way home we stopped at Ranworth to look for the returning Osprey: no sign while we were there, but a confiding Kingfisher, lots of Chiffchaffs and a predatory Grebe were good to see.

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