On our way to Minsmere we stopped at Blythburgh and I quickly found the Teal, but failed to notice I'd left the exposure compensation on the setting I'd used to photograph the Moon last night! Ooops! By the time the admirable Brian had sorted me out the Teal had vanished behind an island to roost.
Deciding to return on the way home, we carried on to Minsmere. A brisk walk to East Hide found us enjoying distant views of an engaging red-head Smew, while the scrub around the South Hides held a decent flock of Siskin.
After lunch we walked to Scott's Hall Cottage (encountering a small group of Red Deer on the way) and amazingly soon located two Firecrests: Linda found the first by call. At one point this charming little sprite spiralled down to ground level just a foot in front of me!
On the way home we stopped at Blythburgh again: against the odds we relocated the Green-winged Teal right out in the open, obtaining some decent (if distant) photographs. A great day out!

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