What a lovely morning! I met Kim & Brian at Strumpshaw at 7.30 and the early start soon proved worthwhile: Water Rail, Bittern, tagged Marsh Harrier (green DZ) and Bearded Tit were the highlights.
The walk round to Tower Hide revealed that the vast Rudd shoal (which includes several over the lb mark) was still in residence at the sluice attracting the attention of a Grey Heron.
Despite the low water level, there were still plenty of things to enjoy on Tower Scrape: two more Water Rails, lots of Ruff and a few Snipe: a Kingfisher put in a very brief appearance...
As we walked back to Reception, a group (oh alright: a 'kettle'!) of six Buzzards jousted above the woods. These are possibly the two local adults with four well-grown youngsters. The local Little Owl obliged as usual!
Back home, I glanced out of the window to see a Hobby and then, as it grew dusk, a Marsh Harrier being mobbed by corvids. What a great place to live!