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Friday 8 September 2023

Dawn comet Nishimura - just about!

I crawled out of bed at 3.45 and checked the condition of the sky: it was cloudless, but there was a definite haze to the east. Still: Venus was very bright, so I thought it would be worth a drive to the top of the Heath. As I drove towards the Church a dense layer of mist descended: visibilty was around ten metres! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I cautiously carried on eastwards, turning into a field gate just past South Walsham. 

The mist occasionally unravelled to reveal Leo close to the horizon: despite the nearby Moon, I could just make out the comet with binoculars and managed a few images with a ten second exposure. Not 'Sky at Night' standard, but good to catch up with my twentieth comet.

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