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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Morning on the north coast: rain (nearly) stopped play!

Despite a very gloomy weather forecast, Norman, Brian and I made the half hour drive to Cley, arriving in warm temperatures and bright sunshine. This didn't last long: every now and then a fine drizzle would pass over, with heavier showers visible to the west. Nevertheless, we managed visits to Bishop's, the Coastguards and Arnold's Marsh, where three Little Gulls, Grey Plovers, Barwits and flight views of a Little Stint made it worth the trip. A pipit that flew in from the sea seemed to have features of a Tree Pipit...

After coffee we headed west to Burnham Overy, walking the muddy track out to the estuary. Apart from two fly-over Spoonbills, there was little to see, highlights being Little Tern, Little Egret and Yellowhammer. Just as we reached the end of the path the heavens opened, so we scuttled back to the car and headed for home, picking up a bonus Raven as we approached Wells.

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