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Tuesday 22 October 2024

Great morning out in North Norfolk

Still feeling a lot less than 100%, but I thought a little bit of exercise on a sunny day might reduce the old blood sugar and generally improve things. In the event I'm not sure whether it helped or not, but I did enjoy renewing acquaintances with the recently-returned Long-billed Dowitcher at Cley (As well as the charming Jacqui Bridges!) A Water Pipit gave good, close views, as did a fly-through Kingfisher, but a group of Cattle Egrets and a Red-necked Grebe and pair of Velvet Scoter on the sea were a 'little' more distant!

After coffee we decided to return home via Hickling, where yesterday's Glossy Ibis was available on Brendan's Marsh: Little and Great Egrets finished the set! 

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