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Monday 21 March 2016

Do you enjoy coincidences?

If the answer is yes, you might find the following three images interesting!

The first is a still from the Kubrick film '2001, a Space Odyssey' released in 1968

The second was taken near the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii during geological training by a group of Apollo astronauts in 1970.

The third was taken near the crater Taurus Littrow, during the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

It has been suggested by a larger number of researchers than you might imagine that Stanley Kubrick was not only responsible for what is probably one of the most visually stunning science fiction films of the sixties, but that he was a 'consultant' during the Moon landings. One might think that Mr Kubrick was trying to drop a subtle hint with his choice of backgrounds!

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