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Monday, 8 May 2017

Strange images on Linda's trailcam...

For about a year, Linda has had two trailcams set up in the garden: she changes their positions regularly to get the best possible record of the wildlife that visits the garden. The infra-red camera has revealed that at least three Hedgehogs come to root around every night, as well as an astonishing number of cats! Since none of our neighbours have a pet cat, this begs the question of where are they coming from and how far do cats travel when they're out at night!

The daylight camera has revealed that a surprising number of individuals of several species sneak in and out when we're not around, including Sparrowhawks, Rooks and Jackdaws.

A couple of days ago, Linda positioned the camera so it could record the comings and goings of a pair of Great Tits that are using a nest box on the gable end of the bungalow. When she was looking through the hundreds of images on its SD card yesterday, she discovered a whole sequence that showed a curious anomaly. As can be seen below, this was a semi-opaque, sinuous object that writhed around the flower bed in front of Linda's office window. The same night, a similar object was captured by the IR camera elsewhere in the garden. Nothing like this has ever appeared on the cameras in the past: we're perplexed!

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