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Monday 9 September 2024

Foiled by the fog!

At the moment, just before dawn, the tiny, innermost planet Mercury is at its highest above the eastern horizon: even better, it is snuggled right up to Regulus, the leading star of Leo. from the office window at 04.30, I could see that the sky was clear, if a little hazy, so I quickly dressed, grabbed a camera and tripod and headed out to the top of the Heath. As I climbed out of the car I could hear three species of owl: Little, Tawny and Barn - the latter I actually watched gliding across the fields. Unfortunately, I could also see that there was a fog bank moving in from the coast: within minutes the sky was obscured. I just managed a couple of shots of Mars and Jupiter before even they disappeared: interestingly, I captured a meteor just below Mars.

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