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Tuesday 3 September 2024

North coast wader-fest!

A very early start found Brian, Norman and me in the Island Hide at Titchwell before 08.00, enjoying close views of Curlew Sandpipers, Little Stints and all the other usuals. Eventually one of the two reported White-rumped Sandpipers emerged from behind an island to give us somewhat distant views, before the whole flock scattered for no obvious reason.

Since we were on a time budget, we headed eastwards, enjoying coffee and scones before checking out Bishop's Hide and the three centre hides. We added to the day's tally with Green and Wood Sandpiper, Golden Plover, Greenshank, all three Egrets and - from the beach - a pair of Skuas, one dark, one light phase. I assume these were Arctics: enlarged Skua courtesy of Norman and his super camera / lens

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