My car being still hors de combat, Norman drove again: we decided on a visit to a few spots along the coast, starting at the Coastguards at Cley. Several distant Scoter flocks were scrutinized until I eventually located a very distant Long-tailed Duck: a distant diver seemed good for Black-throated...
Bishops was not too productive: lots of Black-tailed Godwits and a fleeting Kingfisher were the highlights. We walked out to the sea along the East Bank, adding Bar-tailed Godwit and Pintail to the day list, before returning to the car for the drive to Weybourne. The usual cafes were both closed, so we had coffee at the delightful establishment at the end of Beach Road. Weybourne itself gave us just Stonechat, so we drove on the Martham for distant views of the reported Tundra Bean Geese. Although RBA was not convinced, I'm certain some of these are Tundras, which are notoriously difficult to pick out if you can't see their legs! It was still early, so last stop was Hickling: the walk around provided two final year-ticks in the form of three Common Cranes.and a flock of eighteen Goldeneye.
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