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Sunday, 19 January 2025

Red-necked Grebe at Whitlingham Country Park

Linda and I needed a few things from Norwich, so we stopped at Whitlingham Country Park on the way to look for the relocated Red-necked Grebe. We soon discovered that the A47 was completely blocked and had to detour through Carrow. Just as we pulled into the car park the clutch pedal stuck on the floor - we had thought the garage had fixed this, but obviously not...

Since we were onsite we thought as well have a walk: just after we bumped into Justin Lansdell (the original finder!) I picked out the grebe on the far side of the Great Broad, among a flock of mixed wildfowl. After a brisk walk round and a couple of false starts we found a spot where the Grebe was occasionally visible through the reeds. Obviously, concern about the clutch made a long stay inadvisable, so we headed home...

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