Poor Linda wrote off the car yesterday: luckily (and amazingly, seeing the condition of it) she was totally unhurt.
For the time being, therefore, I'm in the office cataloguing and labelling our new season meteorite stock: we have never had such good items on our inventory, ranging from large (1cm x 1cm) slices of lunar and Martian meteorites, to large irons from a number of falls to polished slices of some rare and beautiful pallasites. Prices start at as little as £5 for a small common chondrite up to thousands for kilo-mass irons. Our customers have included astronauts, famous astronomers, TV presenters and a few film and pop stars!
Here are a few of the new items - many more at our website, plus a full range of meteorite jewellery!
Pallasite (From the core-mantle layer of a shattered planet) |
Campo del Cielo iron meteorites |
A carbonaceous meteorite containing 100+ amino acids! |
Lunar meteorites |
Diogenites from the asteroid Vesta |
Framed meteorite from the famous Russian fall |
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