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Tuesday 15 August 2023

A pleasant day out in North Norfolk

While we didn't see anything particularly rare (apart from the Dowitcher!) a walk around Cley and along the shingle to Arnold's was enjoyable and not unproductive. Biggest surprise was an eclipse Pintail from Bishop's, while the wader list included LRP, Ruff, Snipe, Dunlin and Wood and Green Sandpipers. A shoal of baitfish offshore attracted a huge mixed flock of Terns and Gulls: the Terns later flew into roost on Arnold's. (Nice to bump into a friendly couple from Edinburgh and exchange birdy news!)

After coffee we decided on a woodland walk at Felbrigg, parking at the back gate and walking through to the lake. The only woodland bird of note was a Nuthatch, but the lake held lots of dragons and damsels, including vast numbers of Small Red-eyed Damselflies. Among the numerous Emperor Dragonflies (which we photographed) we eventually picked out two or more Lesser Emperors (which we didn't!)

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