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Tuesday 1 August 2023

North Coast: three out of four Sandpipers...

Brian, Norman and I made an early start and were peering through the gloom at North Point Pools by 8.00am. Despite intensive searching there was no sign of the reported Pectoral Sandpiper - just lots of Commons, eight Spoonbills and a few Ruff: after an hour we decided to head eastward to Cley.

Bishops hide provided the usual somewhat distant views of the Long-billed Dowitcher and three more Spoonbills but not much else. After coffee we visited the Centre Hides where a dapper Wood Sandpiper eventually surrendered. Nice to see a Ruff and Reeve still paired up...

We decided on a move to Walsey Hills where we immediately found two juvenile Water Rails and two Green Sandpipers. A walk out along the East Bank was fairly unproductive apart from a delightful juvenile Sand Martin. It was still early, so I managed to persuade my long-suffering chums to return to North Point. A few more people were looking - without success - for the Pec, although I think the three of us saw it fly west, briefly dropping into a small pool amongst the juncus. Lots (as in scores) of second flight Wall Browns along the path...

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