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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Cley and Hickling: a short run out

Despite feeling absolutely washed out and feeble, I volunteered to take some of Linda's wax wraps up to Cley, joining Norman and Brian for the morning. To be honest, there wasn't much new about, but I did add Greenshank to the year list! Other birds included a delightful rusty Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tits, a Red Kite, Little Gulls and Great Egrets.

After coffee we headed home, stopping en route at Hickling. The sky had grown a little threatening, so we decided on a quick trot to the end of Brendan's Marsh. Here we were rewarded by a flock of twelve typically dozy Spoonbills (with another half a dozen in the nesting trees) another Great Egret, a couple of Cranes and a very confusing Marsh Harrier. Through the gloom it looked a lot like a juvenile Osprey: it was only an enlarged image on the laptop at home that revealed the bird's identity.

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