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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Obliging Spotted Flycatchers at Titchwell

Yesterday's visit to the north coast began at Titchwell RSPB: an early start saw Brian, Norman and me on the reserve before the crowds arrived. The beautiful, sunny weather made the walk out to the sea a very pleasant experience, but the high water levels meant there were few waders other than Avocets until we reached the Tidal Pool: the very high tide had brought a mixed flock of waders in off the Wash. This included Knot, Oystercatchers, Black-tailed Godwits and Sanderling, among which a leucistic Knot stood out in the bright sunshine. Out to sea lots of Terns were feeding close in: mostly Sandwich Terns, with a few Common and Little Terns thrown in.

The walk around the rest of the reserve via Patsy's Reedbed added just a few Reed and Sedge Warblers, but on the way back to the car Sue Bryan pointed out a pair of Spotted Flycatchers close by the path. What charming little birds they are - sadly in sharp decline throughout the UK.

A stop for coffee at Cley (and a chat with Richard 'the hat' suggested that there was little on the reserve to justify a walk round, so we decided on a visit to Holt Country Park where, as you can see in yesterday's post, we eventually located our target Butterfly species.

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