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Monday 17 July 2023

A morning at Titchwell Marsh

It's been a while since Brian, Norman and I visited Titchwell: it's quite a long drive from East Norfolk and hasn't held much of interest so far this year. The presence of a Pectoral Sandpiper on Sunday tempted us to make the hour and a quarter drive, arriving at around half past eight. As it turned out, the Pec had flown off about the time we were leaving Norwich!

A visit to all three hides / watchpoints revealed nothing out of the ordinary: a few Arctic Terns flew through with the many Commons, while two large groups of Avocet were noteworthy. Other waders included Black-tailed Godwit and a few Ruff: two Spoonbills dozed at the back of the Freshmarsh, while a visit to Patsy's failed to produce any Red-crested Pochards.

A stop at North Point Pools added nothing new: we just made it back to the car before the torrential rain started. Coffee and scones at Kelling (Cley was full up!) was most welcome: while we enjoyed our snack the rain set in again, so we called it quits and drove home!

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