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Sunday 16 July 2023

Norwich Antiques Fair

While I was out with the band last night, Linda received an e-mail from the organisers of the Garden Show, inviting us back free of charge: this included entrance to the Antiques Fair next door! Despite not getting to bed until 2.00am, we decided to take up this kind offer!

We bought more plants, before walking across to the antiques stalls: surprisingly, in view of last night's wind and today's weather forecast, there was still plenty to see. In among a box of old coins I found two apparently 17th Century items: the larger one purports to be a five shiling piece from the siege of Scarborough: this I think is a silver museum replica. The other, however, I reckon is genuine - it's a sixpence from the Commonwealth period when the country was a Republic under Oliver Cromwell's protectorate. After a shared cream tea, we drove home to try and catch up on some rest!

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