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Friday 28 July 2023

The folly of not carrying a mobile 'phone!

I actually do own a mobile 'phone, but only take it with me when I'm out somewhere on my own, or if Linda and I want to separate and then meet up in Norwich or somewhere. It's not that I'm some form of old Luddite: I run two blogs and two websites (both of which have had over five million visits!) and am a frequent poster on Facebook and Twitter (or 'X' as it now likes to be known) It's just that I rarely feel the need to chat while I'm enjoying a meal or day's birding!

However, as I was walking to the local post office this morning I really wished I had the 'phone in my pocket, because I could have obtained at least some record of three unusual species on my local patch:

1) A Small Heath butterfly on a privet hedge

2) An Osprey circling overhead and drifting northwards

3) A Ring-necked Parakeet squawking from the top of a roadside conifer!

I have seen both the birds from my kitchen window: believe it or not, I have video (sadly on VHS!) of an Osprey nearly landing on the lawn in high winds a few years back, while an RNP flew past me while I was trying out a new lens in the garden! (That's the heavily cropped photo below)

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