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Tuesday 20 August 2024

Cattle Egrets galore! (And a few other bits and pieces at Cley)

As last week, with only the morning free, the 'Summer Wine Crew' met early and were in the Centre Hides at Cley before 08.00hrs. Water levels were very low, and the resident Angus herd was wandering about in front of Dauke's Hide: this had attracted a large flock of Cattle Egrets (around fifty at times) Now and again we enjoyed the classic 'Garde de Boeuf' pose: the Egrets seemed very skilful at catching toads.

Other birds included several juvenile Yellow Wagtails, lots of Ruff and Green Sandpipers with just a solitary Knot: a Spoonbill flew across to the North Foreland Woods.

After coffee we visited Bishop's Hide, apparently missing a Wood Sandpiper by minutes, before walking out along East Bank. Still a few Sandwich Terns around, as well as three distant Hobbies, but nothing on the sea. A fruitless return to Bishop's and then home...

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