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Tuesday 4 June 2024

A morning in the Brecks

With rain forecast for the afternoon, Brian, Norman and I headed south, originally intending to search for Tree Pipits at Mayday Farm. In the event we never arrived there, being waylaid by Stone Curlews and a beautiful Hare at Weeting Heath, followed by a detour to Lakenheath.

The first bird we encountered was a Nightingale singing literally a couple of yards from the path: despite a half-hour vigil we never caught a glimpse. The walk round the reserve gave us flight views of numerous Bitterns, a single Hobby, a Kingfisher and half a dozen Cuckoos, while a flock of recently-fledged Long-tailed Tits oozed cuteness! 

Last stop was Santon Downham where, despite a long walk to the road bridge and back, all we managed was a lone Grey Wagtail that refused to pose for photos! Plenty of Banded Demoiselles along the river bank, to add to the Variable Damsel from Lakenheath.

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