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Thursday 13 June 2024

Up on the moors...

With nothing else to search for at Bempton, we decided to make the 75 minute drive to the moorland above Pickering. First stop was just before Rosedale, prompting a few verses of 'Crossroads'! Here, near an ancient lime roasting kiln, we located our main targets: a family group of Red Grouse. Not wanting to disturb them, we kept our distance, with predictable photographic results! Other birds here included a pair of Wheatears feeding young and lots of Mipits.

After a walk around above the two car parks, we moved higher up, quickly locating firstly a Curlew and then another Grouse. Including those we saw in flight, we located around a dozen, hardly any of which could be photographed.

Following an abortive search for a cafe, we stopped on the way back for another stroll along Hoddie Cow Road. No Corn Buntings today, but lots of Yellowhammers and Linnets.

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