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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Glaven Raven and other bits and pieces at Cley

With a real 'scorcher' on the cards, Norman, Brian and I met early and headed north to Cley. We were the first people in Dauke's Hide and were rewarded with close views of a feeding Spoonbill before it - and everything else - was flushed by a Marsh Harrier. The hide was full of Swallows, including some cute fledgelings, while the reedbeds held the usual Mipits, Reed Buntings and Wrens.

The longish walk to Bishop's didn't add much apart from a couple of Ruff, so we adjourned for coffee and scones. From the Reserve Centre we could make out a group of Great and Little Egrets right out by the 'Big Pool', so snack finished we strolled along the East Bank for a look, picking up numerous small groups of Bearded Tits on the way.

The nearest we could get to the egrets was just past the Richardson shelter: even then the four GWEs and two LEs were just white blobs in the heat haze.

After an icecream we headed home by way of the Glaven Valley, where Brian and I heard - and eventually saw - a couple of distant Ravens.

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