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Wednesday 12 June 2024

Bempton Cliffs: a run out for the Summer Wine Crew!

Brian, Norman and I made the four hour drive through the Fens and Wolds to Flamborough, arriving at around 10am. We went straight to Bempton Cliffs RSPB reserve and, as always, marvelled at the spectacle of tens of thousands of seabirds at close range. Numbers of Gannets seemed slightly down on last year, but there were definitely more Puffins! Despite a five mile circuit of the reserve we didn't manage definite views of Corn Bunting - our only 'dip'. Peregrine and Shag were unexpected bonuses.

After checking in at our usual terrific accomodation - the Cameron Court - we spruced up before walking to the Rose and Crown for dinner and quiz night: we came third out of fifteen - not bad for a team of just three old geezers!

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