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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Clearwing moths: a good haul at Strumpshaw!

The sultry weather this afternoon seemed good for Clearwings, so I took the pheromones out of the freezer (where they've been keeping 'fresh' for a year!) and made the short journey to Strumpshaw Fen. I checked out the usual spots, before hanging a couple of lures from a Red Currant bush along the Woodland Trail. After a wait of ten minutes or so the first Currant Clearwing arrived, followed by more and more, until a dozen moths were investigating the plug. They all seemed to be Currants, and nothing visited the other lures I'd put out, so I made my way home, stopping briefly at Hemblington Church to try for a Hornet Clearwing. Despite it being a bit late in the day (2.30) I nevertheless had one brief visit!

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