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Wednesday 9 June 2021

Grasshopper Warbler: my best ever views!

With a scorching day forecast and an agreed first meeting of the 'Summer Wine Crew', I decided on an early start at Strumpshaw Fen. Very glad I did, because (apart from Ben L) I didn't meet another soul for two hours! With everywhere still being quiet, normally timid birds came out to play: best among these was the Sandy Wall Grasshopper Warbler, which strolled out onto the path less than ten feet from me! Other decent padders included Reed, Cetti's  and Sedge Warblers, Cuckoo, Hobby a Kingfisher and lots of Garden Warblers.

Insect interest came from a Brown Argus, several Scarce Chasers and lots of Banded Demoiselles

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