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Wednesday 15 September 2021

The Faroe Islands: something must be done...

During this year's 'grind' (as the islanders call their annual whale slaughter) over 1400 White-sided Dolphins were rounded up and pushed ashore by motor boats. The poor creatures were then slaughtered with knives or, it is reported, left to suffocate because there were '...too many animals to deal with'

I would be most surprised if all of the dolphins ended up in cooking pots, so there can be no justification for this dreadful yearly event. (Which, by the way, received very little coverage in main stream media.) 

Surely international pressure must be brought to bear on Denmark and the Faroes to end this barbaric practice: calling it part of the islanders' culture just isn't good enough. One place to start might be to remove the islands from the itinerary of North Atlantic cruises until they clean up their act.

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